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How to invest in real estate without contribution?

It is possible to invest in real estate without personal contribution, but it can be complicated and involves risks.

The first solution to invest in real estate without personal contribution is to resort to a mortgage. Most banks, however, require a personal contribution to grant a loan, generally between 10% and 30% of the purchase price of the property. If you do not have a sufficient personal contribution, you can try to negotiate with the bank to obtain a loan at zero rate or a loan at a reduced rate.

There are also financial aid schemes that allow investors to benefit from a tax reduction in exchange for an investment in real estate. For example, the Pinel system allows investors to obtain a tax reduction of 12% of the amount of the investment, subject to meeting certain conditions, particularly in terms of rental and rent ceilings.

Finally, it is possible to invest in real estate without personal contribution by appealing to an investor. This investor can be a member of your family or a friend, or even a professional investor, who will provide you with the funds necessary to buy the property. In this case, you will have to reimburse the investor and share the rental income with him.

In summary, it is possible to invest in real estate without personal contribution, but it can be complicated and involves risks. It is therefore important to be well informed and to carefully evaluate the different options before making a decision.



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WARNING: Investments present a risk of partial or total loss of capital as well as a risk of illiquidity, the operational risk of the project may result in lower profitability than expected.

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