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Real estate: everything that changes in 2023

The changes to expect in terms ofreal estate in 2023 :

In 2023, many regulatory changes will impact the real estate market in France, whether you are a buyer, seller or investor. Here are some of the main changes to consider:

Ban on the rental of thermal colanders: the Climate and Resilience law, promulgated in August 2021, aims to gradually eradicate energy-intensive housing by 2034 and to achieve the ambitious objective of a low-energy housing stock by 2050 As of January 2023, dwellings labeled G on the Diagnostic of P scaleEnergy performance (EPD), i.e. those that consume more than 450 kWh/m2 per year in final energy, can no longer be offered for rental. The other houses of class G will have to disappear from the rental market in January 2025, and the ban will apply to F-rated housing in 2028. In all, around 5 million housing units will need to be renovated in order not to exit the rental market, which could pose availability problems.

Reinforcement of aid for renovation: the tightening of regulations in the rental segment aims to encourage lessor owners to renovate their properties. The device MaPrimRénov' is aimed at all owners, whether they are occupants or lessors.

It is important to note that this tax reduction only applies to homes that meet specific energy performance criteria. In effect, the Pinel+ device will only apply to accommodation which complies with the RT 2012 standard or which has the BBC (Low Consumption Building) label.

In addition, the Pinel+ device will be limited to tense areas, that is, to cities where the demand for housing is greater than the supply. The rent ceiling applicable in Pinel+ will also be revised downwards, in order to better reflect market prices.

For lessor owners, this revision of the Pinel system can be seen as an incentive to renovate their property to make it more energy efficient. However, it is important to note that these changes could also have an impact on the demand for rental accommodation, especially in tight areas where supply is already limited.

Finally, it is important to emphasize that the device Pinel+ will only be valid until December 2024. From 2025, it will be replaced by a new, as yet unknown system, which will be defined as part of the finance law for 2025.

2023 will be a pivotal year for the real estate market in France, with regulatory changes that could have an impact on the supply and demand for housing, as well as on tax advantages.

Financing of energy renovation: zero rate eco-loan

The Pinel + system created by the Climate and Resilience law aims to promote rental investment in new or renovated housing, with BBC (Low Consumption Building) labelling. The system is based on the zero-rate eco-loan, a loan granted by banks and without interest. It is intended to fund up to 30,000 euros for energy renovation work.

To benefit from the zero-rate eco-loan, you must meet a certain number of criteria. The property must be located in metropolitan France, be intended to be inhabited by its owner, and meet certain energy performance conditions.

The Pinel + device can be combined with MaPrimRénov' and the eco-PTZ. However, it is not open to landlords.

Extension of the tax shield

The tax shield is a device that limits the tax burden on the most modest households. Since its creation in 2003, it has undergone many changes. In January 2023, the tax shield tax rate increases by 0.5 points, from 50% to 50.5%. This increase concerns taxpayers with taxable income.

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