Invest from €10 in Real Estate

Earn income every month. thus the added value of real estate!
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Profitability objective

annual* from 9 to 14%


From 9.25% to 14.12% on goods


Buy and Sell when you want

No charges

Nor on entry, exit and capital gains

No management

Cube takes care of everything from A to Z!


A simple investment
and profitable

Cube takes care of everything from A to Z!

The Cube platform allows you to invest in real estate split rental from only 10€ in a few clicks, and each investor will have the right to his share rent every month in proportion to his number of Cubes held.

It is in addition a passive 100% investment, you won't have all the constraints of theproperty investment live which can be very time-consuming: property search, purchase procedure, tenant management, etc.

Why us

Best Real Estate Investment Solution

Monthly net income

Take advantage of the real estate boom

Build up a heritage

Beat inflation

No procedures

Without engagement

Low risk of impairment

Invest in real estate with Cube

real estate investment is a financial vehicle that still appeals to savers looking forreliable opportunities with a return / risk satisfying.

Recurring Revenues

Rent transferred monthly to your account.

Real estate added value

Earning the net capital gain on resale.

Bank Leverage

Boost profitability with 50% bank financing.


Buy and Sell when you want

No management

Saving Time Cube takes care of everything.

No charges

Neither on entry, exit or your capital gains

Cube Advantage

Recurring Revenues
Capital gain
Time saving



Cube Price

Each Cube costs €10, allows you to receive a share of the rents, calculated on a pro rata basis.

The price of the Cube will be updated every 6 months depending on the attractiveness of the city, the real estate market, etc.

Our partners

How to invest in real estate with Cube?

With Cube, rental property investment becomes child's play.

Sponsor, it's won!

A bonus of 1% for you and 1% for your friends! Expertise to be shared in order to mutually enrich each other investment opportunities with your referral code.

Questions and answers
The most frequent

Cube is a fractional real estate investment platform. It allows you to invest from €10 in residential and commercial real estate in order to obtain profitability and diversify risk by multiplying investments without worrying about their management.

We offer you the opportunity to invest in properties that we have selected for their quality, their yield and their potential for appreciation.

When you buy Cubes shares. You invest via a royalties contract (also known as a contract for the assignment of future income), which entitles you to receive all of the net rents generated by the rental, in proportion to the capital invested, as well as the real estate capital gain.

This contract is particularly flexible, for 2 reasons:
1. It allows you to buy and resell your contract, free of charge. You will therefore be able to resell your royalty contracts on the marketplace that we are developing and recover your capital.

2. The taxation of gains only occurs when the total of your collected royalties exceeds the capital invested. Subsequently, the tax framework that applies is that of the flat tax (single flat-rate levy of 30%). The flat tax only applies to winnings.

You can sell your Cubes at the price you want. However, in order to avoid excessive speculation and difficulty reselling your Cubes, you will not be authorized to resell your 10% Cubes for more than the last estimate.

Cube takes care of both the acquisition and the signing of notary deeds, of rental management real estate, construction worksmaintenance or renovation, and the payment of property tax.

Of course not ! Cube takes care of all the administrative procedures as well as taxes and various taxes.
As an investor, you don't have to pay anything.

Cube takes a commission when financing the property. This commission is already included in the profitability calculations presented to you.